jueves, 14 de mayo de 2020

Post 2: Why did you choose your career / study programm?

When I was a child I always liked all about sciences and music, at the elementary school I had regular grades in all the courses but always stood out in music and basic sciences, at high school my interest in chemistry and music grew more than the other subjects. All this because I started to listen to new music and see new series, one in specific "Breaking Bad"which made me more interested in chemistry. When I finished the school, i wasn't sure about what study so I took a year off and I prepared myself for the PSU.
At the moment of applying to university I was accepted in chemistry at various universities, but finally I chose the University of Chile because my brother studies in this university and in the same faculty.
Now being a student, my experience has been good, in spite of problems with the online semester.
I don't have an idea about what kind of job I would like to have, I think in a few years when i have a bigger vision about the career, I will be able to decide what kind of job I would like to have.

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